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What is Balcony Law (SB 326 and SB 721)?

Whom do the California Senate Bills 721 and 326 affect? These laws affect property owners, property managers, and tenants alike. Both SB 721 and SB 326 require an inspection of exterior elevated elements for multifamily properties like apartment buildings and condominium buildings with three (3) units or more.

These two ordinances are designed for buildings that have three or more dwelling units. SB 326 is for condominiums, and SB 721 is for apartments and multifamily.

Why was this Law created?
The balcony of an apartment building in Berkeley, California, also known as Library Gardens at the time, collapsed, resulting in six (6) student fatalities and seven (7) others being injured. The collapse was caused by improper construction and dry rot in the wood.

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